Monday, July 18, 2011

Coherence and authenticity by Ana Maria de Sena

Coherence and authenticity are the basic requirements of all those who fight for human dignity and justice. Fernando Altemeyer in an article published in the Journal of Religious Education Dialogue No. 30, April 2003, states that are worth what we think, we are able to fight and love. Therefore it is essential that we change and take real in our life that we proclaim as a value to others. As Christians, values ​​like truth, justice, love, freedom, correspond to the gospel and point the way to build peace. It is true that many religions, especially the monotheistic has as its central focus the human dignity.

In all religious denominations and even among those who say they do not profess any faith, find people who are fighting valiantly defending truth, justice and dignity. People who take the banner of solidarity, ethics and citizenship, and make us believe more in life. I believe we can and we can use the freedom we have to search for truth and goodness, leaving aside individual interests and momentary, building the identity of the human being is to love God above all things and our neighbor as himself. If we do achieve this year with consistency and authenticity build the world of which we dream.

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